Friday, May 30, 2008

woke up kinda early today.
dad went to kl , so i made lunch.
laura came around 2.30 or so.
watched P.S. I Love You.

how can a guy be so sweet ?
its too sweet to be true.
ahhh , yes. i CRIED.
aLOT. =( i want my own Gerry.

mom came back & dropped laura back.
went to midlands for Taiwanese food.
saw joyce&kenrich chau ah kua at McD.
grandma's place.
home =)

12.19 am

Thursday, May 29, 2008

nyahahaha , was i bored?
hell yeah !
sooo , KISS MY ASS!

chunn-NESS rightt ?!

4.28 pm

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

i woke up a little too late this morning
yikesss , XD my bad.

got really bored & downloaded ;


9.16 pm

27th May 08'
its TODAY !

today was fun =)
went out with my babehhs again.
went to ahming's house around 1.40.
went to queens with reb , ahhming , dennise , joyce&kenrick.

reached queens around 4 cause we were busy running away.
you would know what i mean if u were in the car XD
hahahha , thank god im used to it already ! hahah !

watched Narnia ; Prince Caspian again.
uhmm , ooh yeahh , me&yeeming chao-eD during the movie
cause both of us watched it already.
we said , - we goin to the toilet.
HAHA , yeahhhh righttt. we went to the toilet for almost 1 hour or so. XD
interesting eh ? hahha

then , after the movie -
we went to penang hill. darn it , they started playing this game
you'll have to speak only Hokkien.
i was like what the shit , i dont know how to speak.
it was pretty darn funny XD

dinner at someplace near yeeming's house
& me , reb & dennise followed her back.
dad came and fetch me around 10.40.
im dead tired now , gonna chao
nighty !

1.03 am

26th May 08'

i woke up around 10 , ate breakfast
& i had this urge to clean the house.
so i cleaned the whole house. LOL.
this is so not me. i know, right? XD

cant help it laa , the internet line went kabOOm !
failed me for the past 4 days.
grr , hahaha. ohh well .. i love u line , since ur workin now. XD
started around 12 & stopped at 6.30 or so. ahahaha

supposed to have addmath tuition with reb , but reb's sick
so yeah , no tuition =D

12.56 am

25th May 08'

whee , its Mommy's birthday.
Happy Birthday Mommy !

lalala , sorry. picture too tiny XD
anyway , I LOVE YOU MAMA !
mwah mwah * kisses *

since we've celebrated the other day , we didnt do anything today.
woke up kinda early, & mom asked me if i wanted to go to Tesco.
so , we went to do grocery shopping.
went for korean food. =)
& i bought ingredients to bake my choco chip butter cookies.
it was a success ! oohh weee !
hahaha , thank god.

mom was like .. i wanna see what comes outta it.
* hahaha *
geee .. so evil.

12.52 am

24th May 08' ;

cant remember what the hell i did.
sorry lahh , short term memory lost ! XD

uhhmmm .. okay sorry. really cant remmeber LOL.

12.44 am

Friday ; 23rd May 08'
Happy Birthday , my dear nasty little brotha!

I have to admit eventhough you're a rascal to me ,
but deep deep deep down , i guess i do LOVE YOU !
hahahha , i cant believe im saying this. gosh

very well , school celebrated Teachers day today.
took quite a number of pictures. i shall see if i have the mood
for posting them up or not XD!
lazeeee-nesss strikes ! gahahha.
; there were foood .. yummy tummy.
& after school - Girl Guides , we had the Fancy Drilling.
i guess ill post the video , once i get it from yeeming XD
not bad for a 1 minute idea. we rock ! HAHAH

went for dinner at night - Cititel.
to celebrate mom & bro's birthday.
mom's birthday is on the 25th , so might as well celebrate together.
easy huh ? XD hahaha

oh oh ! i ate 15 prawns. i loveee em'
teehee. XD & dad bought 2 cakes.
one for each , WHEE..

12.42 am

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Saturday , 17th May o8'

went out with my babehhs.
so , i woke up around 8 and went to ahhming's house.
left for kenrick's mom's shop at 10 something ,
my baby seng gave us a ride XDDD.
hahahah , joyce and kenrick were there.
stayed there a lil while , got hungry.
so reb cooked maggie for us. hahah

he left the shop & drove us to gurney.
met alex the elephant & my snoopy lil bro kenneth
LOL , then err we went to get tickets for mariel
& saw zhigie & her friend. lol
ate at kimgary & saw szelin & her mom. hahah

s t u p i d things happened in KimGary.
hahhaha , real s t u p i d things all by kenrick.
tsk tsk , hahaha. & yes he made me choke on my drink
& everything came out ! ishhh ..
note to self : Never sit in front of chao ah kua while eating.

watched What Happened In Vegas. Darn it was funny.
hahahah. for that show , snoppy came along.
well , after the show. we went to F.O.S & made yeeming & kenneth
try on * lala * clothes. hahahhaa , oh goshh.
* eyes wide wide widee open * XD

then it was our turn.. LOL whatthehell.
hilarious-ness XD. - walked around awhile.
got a little hungry and bored , then we ate at nando's.
eusern gave us some pop corn vouchers or smth. lol
kenrick ate his flaming hot chicken till he sweat like
as if he just came out frm a bath. LOL.
he was all-RED. gahahah.

the bill came out 90 bucks ! what the holy crap.
lol , food nowadays are killing me. ahhh
anyway , we left gurney & went to fetch jeremy & jangheng.
went up to air itam dam. hah
it was scary. very very scary. =\
they wanted to walk in the dark ! i freaked, yes.

- northam cafe for supper. =)
it was special , they didnt on all the lights.
there were candles ? hahah , thats one thing we dont see everyday,
do we ? XD
circled around lorong garu & love lane LOL
they wanted to find ah kua's.
but dont know where all of them go , only saw 1 or 2. lmao

to the b e a c h. it was already 12 30.
walked around awhile & mom called.
so i had to go home. i was like , dead tired.
whole day out. ahh
reached home around 1 15 or so.

well well , it was fun =)
love my babehhs ,

; Katherine
12.12 pm

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I saw baby darling Raey yesterday.
mwahmwahmwah !
i love love love you. =)
he's sucha sweetheart. LOL

okayokay , school today was darn boring.
first thing the teacher said to us was ,
why you all come to school ? the malay girls have their exam.
we were like .. whooaaa ? LOOL
darnn it , i shouldnt have went to school. wasted. grr
hahahha , i pity shanese. heh
she was the cure to me & karyn's boredom. LOL
XD , & holidays are coming ! i can waittt .. lol
im dying to go shoppong ! ahhh ..
guess i'll stop for now.

9.58 pm

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

ooh wee ! its ... THE DAY , before the last day of exam. XDDDD
okay im feelin' hyper right now.
darn , i dont know why either. HAHA.
had chemistry & add maths. omgoshhh ..
im so so ffreakishly deady! hahaha

sooo , went to tuition after school.
then kenrick gave us a ride back home.
but before that , he had to go to his moms shop or smth
so me & laura walked around giant , went to new world park.
lol , yeah we were real bored. heh

anywayy , came home around 7.30
went to eat , & i saw this really super duper uberr HOT guy !
he's sooooo cute !!
aahhhh! .. HAHAHA
im in LOVEEEEEE with him ! XDDD

9.49 pm

Thursday, May 8, 2008

physics is over ! yippie. hee
moral was sucky ! LOL. it was hilarious.
me&laura didnt know it had to be all moral values and those crapp.
realised it while handing in the paper. rofl
ahh , physics was quite hardd .. lol
bio & english paper 2 tomorrow. oohh wheee.

anywayy , went to the library after school.
with ahhming & reb =)
im gonna bio marathon tonight !

7.25 pm

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

TWO down , 19 more to go.
bm was horrible ! grrr ..
soo , uhh went to the library with ahhming & reb babehhs
im happy =) i understand physics ! XD
hahahha , thanks to reb ! mwah mwah
went back around 5 30. hee
i must go to the library more often =)
physics & moral tomorrow.
better get goin '

9.25 pm

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

exams are tomorrow , & what am i doing now ?
hahah , i cant freakin concentrate. gahh.
malay paper 1 & 2 , ahh ! horror.
physics is a pain in the arse. hee.
ahh well , im so so dead. yikes.

* already saw all that coming. =)
glad it didnt really make a large impact on me. heeh

had bio , chem & physics tuition this afternoon.
tired out , i hate my eye bags. grr

aahh , Note To Self : I NEED TO STUDY !

; katherine

Monday, May 5, 2008

school , home & addmaths with reb.

I'll Remember You - No Secrets

It has been so long since we have talked
I hope that things are still the same
hoping they will never change
cause what we had can't be replaced
don't let our memories fade away
keep me in your heart for always

You made me believe
that I can do almost anything
stood right by me
through the tears through everything

I'll remember you,
and baby that's forever true
you're the one that I'll always miss
never thought it would feel like this
I'll be there for you,
no matter what you're goin' through
in my heart you'll always be, forever baby
I'll remember you

I promise you I won't forget the times we shared, the tears we cried
You'll always be the sun in my sky
It may be fate that brings us back to meet again someday
Even though we go seprate ways

You made me believe
that I can do almost anything
You stood right by me
through the tears through everything

I'll remember yooooou,
and baby that's forever true
you're the one that I'll always miss
never thought it would feel like this
I'll be there for yooooou,
no matter what your goin' through
in my heart you'll always be, forever baby
I'll remember you

If the day should come when you need someone
(you know that i'll follow)
I will be there
Don't ever let there
be a doubt in your mind
'cause I'll remember you, you

I'll remember you,
and baby that's forever true
you're the one that I'll always miss
never thought it would feel like this
I'll be there for you,
no matter what your goin' through
in my heart you'll always be, forever baby
I'll remember you

Forever baby, I'll remember you

;; x


7.48 pm

Saturday, May 3, 2008

another day of boredom =)
a sudden rush of loneliness.

; katherine
11.51 pm

Friday, May 2, 2008

today's a day i shall remember =)
doesnt happen all the time tho. HEH
i skipped school ! so did karyn, ahming, reb, ruth, joyce, laura & chloe
hahahha , 8 of us in a row didnt go school ! chun-ness XD
woke up around 10. i was dead sleepy cause i slept late. heh
dad was in a rush & i had to hang the clothes up for him. haha
i was supposed to study. but what the hell , i ended up in front of the comp
heh. what can i say ? typical katherine wong. XD
i watched alvin & the chipmunks ! hee.
ohh , and im in love with a song.
Everytime - Justin Delacruz aka Shiny.
its soo sweet .. ahahah.
& i still loveee theodoree !
mwah mwah =D

; katherine
11.17 pm

Thursday, May 1, 2008

boom! woke up at eight.30 , had modern maths tuition at 9 something.
grrr , i was so darnn lazee. went to eat at the korean place
somewhere near. hee.
came home , & i didnt study ! im so freakishly dead.
exams are like on .. next wed ? hahaha
yess i know. im FREAKISHLY dead ! poof * mati !

stresss laa , stupid exams. grrr
RIGHT NOW , aku want:
- shopping !
- exams to go poof !
- theodore <3

hahahah , ok. now im bored. geee
too lazy to study right now =\
& im SICK of McD.
lets seee , i had McD for lunch on mon , tues , wed
& thurs [ dinner ] .. ahhh !! i'll pukee if i have to eat mcD again tmrw.
please please please , do not feed me McD.

; katherine
9.38 pm