Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Monday ; 29th September.

i should have updated yesterday. ahahh
soo , rebecca came in the morning and we wanted to go swimming,
it started raining like cats and dogs after we went into the pool grrhh
we were supposed to have addmaths tuition. but . . . heeeheee.
JJ lahhh , ask us if we wanna go gurney or not. xD
so yeah, we got lazY. =p
dad dropped us off at gurney
some smart PEOPLE [ hahahahahhaha ] told me the movie starts at 2,
so we rushed there and i had only 20 bucks with me
went to find janell & then chloe&JJ at chilli's
he belanjaa us nachos xD. i dont think ill be eating anything with cheese
anytime soon... hahahahh.
then we met bernard, daniel, and the others at chilli's.
it was 2.30 already , so i was like ... LATE ALREADY ! movie ! movie !
then they tell me, movie at 4 . MOVIE AT * 4 *
i was like .... WHATTT ? ROFLLL.
then nvmm , walked around. went to see the stuff Janell wanted. hahah
found the shoe i want in NOSE. the white one with a ribbon at the back XD
yes , i've been really into Ribbons nowadays. =D
and we were craving for donuts. XD ( they aree LOVELY )
after awhile , i realised it was four. so i asked again, MOVIEEE ?
& they said : movie at *4 . 30 * rofl
i was like .. what the hell. HAHAHAHAH.
we watched Mamma Mia. darn, it was nice.
went back after that. i downloaded Camp Rock and watched it.
then jo asked me to listen to Bella's Lullaby.
ive been trying to put it as my blog's background music. but i dont know why
it aint working. =( ahh. i love that song.
had nothing to do after that , so i watched Dirty Sexy Money. hahahh
was up watching till uhm , 1 30 or so.
. . .


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wednesday ; 24th of September.

well , i did go to school.
came back early cause i had a pretty darn bad headache.
damn , ever felt everything you see spinning away? lol
yeah , so that was it. didnt go to school on thurs & friday.

Saturday ; 27th of September.

we have one week holiday. yay ?
dont think i'll have anything to do anyway.
i wouldnt wanna talk bout exams but damn im freaked. its coming!
went to queens cause mom & dad wanted 
to eat at dragon i. wanted to go to gurney after, but they didnt want me to 
cause i just recovered. darnn. lol
did groceries & mom cooked dinner so we didnt go out.

we do this almost every year, haha
around 11.15 pm or so, sab & I gave janson a surprise birthday call. heehee
was supposed to call at 12 tho, but we got kinda sleeeepy so we really really had to call earlier
XD, talked for awhile & finally wished him Happy Birthday.

& off  to sleeeeep . . .


Happy Birthday Janson. =)
. . . . 

went to church & i was surprised reb was there too.
had lunch & came home.
its not even monday yet, and
im really really really dying of boredom already.
rahhhh ! save me. 


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

i poke-eD myself with my mechanical pencil.
its a pretty huge patch , =S
i know , this is stupid.
but but but . . . 
accident's happen okay. LOL !
dont ask me how i did it =\

mama said im getting fat.
ahhhhhh ... im depressed. 


Sunday, September 21, 2008

i did nothing today. slept in till 11 30 or so
got up & laze around till dinner time ,
went out to eat . . .
lalala came home & i cleaned my room =D
i dont think its red enough yet tho.

pictures ;

oki, im off for now.


Monday, September 15, 2008

school was okay, pretty much the same.
i l . o . v . e edward cullen. xD

aren't they just SO SO HOT ? hahahahah.
so yeah , today was all about this picture. XD
finished my biology notes. =)
am feelin' lazy. hoho


Sunday, September 14, 2008

13th of September o8 ; Saturday.

JJ celebrated his bday. ahahh
*this part's for rebecca*
i woke up at 7.45 , cause someone said shes coming at 8.30.
thenn ahhh , i bathe , get ready , and texted her...
she said she JUST WOKE UP. then ahh , i had to go out with parents for awhile
so i told her to go to chloe's hse first. then i reached chloe's place at 11 plus.
someone wasnt there yet , HAHAHAHAHA. XD

so while we were at chloe's , we made lanterns.
ahahha , i made my own lantern & it was a success 0kay.
xD, with hearts all over it. lolol
but it was darn right tedious.
aunt flo came and fetch us around three.
went there and put up the glow in the dark stars.
tortured eric till he gave up on us. hahahah
then the others came back.
oh oh , and i tried driving. LOL

there was sososo much food. loved the spring rolls. heehee
went to batu night market to get dvd's
back to the hse after that.
did i mention ? I LOVE BAILEYS ! XD

j's room was a mess.
the cause : andy
why ? : he released stink bomb's
what happened after that ? : room had many kind's of smell.
i pity mark. he farted right into his face. LOL

uncle philip dropped me home around 12.
i was dead tired , sleeeeeeeeeeeep . . .

Today ;

woke up early for sunday class.
went out with mom after , to get groceries and stuff.
bro went to cut his hair & got home ard 5.
did nothing , so yeah im bored.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Monday ; 8th of September.
Tuesday ; 9th of September.

Wednesday ; 10th of September.
some lame teacher dimerited a girl in my class for singing
' Mamma Mia ' how hilarious is that ? ahahhah.
& she said : oh i can blow this issue up for you if i want to.
gah , stupidity.

Thursday ; 11th of September. ( Today)
school was dreadful. lol
went to prangin after school to eat pizza hut.
had vouchers to spend. haha
walked around alittle. laura's dad dropped me home.
ahh , off for now.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

ive been bad =p XD hahahaahah
i skipped school today. i know this sucks.
its a saturday and i have school. oh well, teehee!
went to gurney around 12 with yeeming.
then kenrick & joyce came , and then - szelin.
BBQ-Chicken for lunch. & walked around.
and thenn , ... err , went to play pool. =p
i didnt buy anything today. thats a surprise =D
wee wee wee. ahahahhah..
as usual , ( walk around endlessly )
and dinner at BBQ-Chicken again. HAHA
i know i sosososo love chicken. LOL
thats bout it i guess.
dropped szelin back on the way.
& i've finally finished all four books. =)
nightys !


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I finished New Moon today ! eheheh.
im dying for Breaking Dawn...
i havee to get it. haha.

my day was pretty boring.
didnt have much to do.
skipped bm tuition. hee
off for now , xD


Monday, September 1, 2008

31st of August 08 '

ah , its been 5 years.
went to St. Anne's cemetery to visit grandpa's grave.
had lunch in grandma's place.
and swimming in the afternoon with bro, jo , mich & david
&& i bought Twilight =)

1st of September o8 '

hellooooo september. hahahah ..
woke up , ate breakfast.
& went swimming , then went to grandma's place to have lunch.
jo , dav & mich went back to KL already.
so we went home , & i was dead tired so i slept.
dropped philip off to tuition & went to popular bookfair again.
i got New Moon & Eclipse =D
still have Breaking Dawn to get. ahahah.
anyway , i really have to say.
love can be such a pain in the ass sometimes..
dont worry babeh yeeming , we're here for you =)