Thursday, January 3, 2008

ohhwheee! my birthday's coming.
in 5 days ! HAHA.
& today's the first day of school.
it was pretty fun tho.
no studying =p teeheeehee.
the chem lab is a really nice place to sleep tho.
its soooo windy ! hahahaha.
ah yes, i went to school without my school badge XD
im a new girl ! gaahhaha.
finished at 2.o5 & surprisinly, dad came early to fetch me !
hahahha. then i did my class timetable & printed it out.
yes, im too free. lol
im sleepy & tired
and i couldnt sleep cause they were painting the doors. tsk
i guess ill be goin to bed real early today

till tmrw,
; katherine

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