Wednesday, February 27, 2008

exams are around the corner.
holidays are near toO!
tsktsktsk. i've not start studying yet.
oh god, i have to really crack my brain.
ahhhh. anyway, havent been updatin' lately.
didnt really have the time to sit here and blog =(
well well, here i am now.
so i shall start with school.
monday's assembly.. was really crappy.
darn school rules are getting way too ridiculous.
whats up with going out after school for lunch then come back for our activities?
dammit. now we cant even step outta the school for lunch.
yeah yeah, our safety. but still ?! its crazee.
theres practically nothing to eat in the canteen. tsk
ah yes, i got booked for bringing a freaking marker pen to school this morning.
how lame can they get ? gahhhhh! *
miss tan is even more crappy.
some weirdo who brings along a camera to class & start taking pictures.
the first picture .. she says " u see, u see, im taking a picture to show your parents how u are in school " ..
and then, a girl goes out -
" horrr .. go out of class .. wait i take a picture "
i was like , WHAT ? HAHAHAA.
& i asked : teacher, how lame can u get ? LOL.
geee. no wonder she's single till now. =)
ahahahha, & it was photo taking day yesterday.
im thinking im gonna suck in this year's yearbook again.
hahahaha. i guess i'll stop here.

ah yes, one more thing i have to say.
your so childish.
read my words. n e v e r will.

; katherine
6.58 pm

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