Monday, March 17, 2008

nyahahah, schooooooool's back !
screammm.... aaaaahhhh !! XD
well well, school was alriteee today. kinda tiring tho.
after my not-so-enjoyable holiday ..tsskkk
ahahahaa, stayed back for sports practice today.
cheahyeem was sooo nice ! teeeheee
she gave me&yeeming a ridee to island plaza.
and yes, ahming got her white spaghetti.
hahaha. then we bought KFC, & went to drop ahming back.
then we listened to cheahyeem's lecture XD
hahahaha. she came back to school with me cause she was supposed
to see cheerleading or smth.
no one went for sports prac! charlene wasnt there, even PORNSTAR zhigie wasnt there.
tskkk. then me and yvonne walked back to her house to get choc's XD
darnnnn it weih. here's what happened.
i know, it was really stupid.
hahahahaha ..

* walking ....
i turned back & looked ; said : von .. rapist !! he has an umbrella !
yvonne turns and says : OMG.. hahahaahahhahaa
I said : RUNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnn ...!!
yvonne says : yeaaaaaaa ! ...
*walkingggg FasTER ...
[ ambulance drove pass ]
suddenly the siren rings *
then, ....
Both : AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* runs the hell outta us till we reached her house door.

i was like, whatthefuck ?!
hilarious laaaaaa..

came home around 6 45.
bath ... blahblahblah
and mom came back, then we went to fetch philip.
went to midlands for taiwanese food.
and i have bm homework to do. ishhh
guess i'd better go.

10.56 pm

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