Monday, March 24, 2008

oh yeah, the question thingy i was supposed to do.


001. Real name: Katherine Wong

002. Nickname: kath

003. Married: no, lol

004. Male or female: female

005. High school: Methodist Girls School.

008. College: none

010. Short or long hair: short

015. Are you a healthy freak: no. aahha

016. Height: 164cm. or maybe shorter. i cant remember.

017. Do you have a crush on someone: i guesss so.XD

018. Do you like yourself: uh huh =p

019. Piercings: yeah, ear ? lol

021. Righty or lefty: heh ?

022. Surgery: none

023. Piercing: earrr ..

024. Person you see in the morning: mommy.

025. Award: HAHA. none.

026. Sport you join: tennis ? stopped anyway. lol

027. Pet: none

028. Vacation: no idea

029. Concert: heh ?

030. First crush: =)

049. Eating: nothing

050. Drinking: nothing

052. I'm about to: go eat my dinner.

058. Want kids: no idea.

059. Want to get married: dont know.

60. Careers in mind: biotechnologist ? lol.

068. Lips or eyes: eyes

069. Hugs or kisses: both ? XD

070. Shorter or taller: shorter

072. Romantic or spontaneous: bothhh balanced up.

074. Sensitive or loud: hmm, it depends.

075. Trouble maker or hesitant: none. noway.

078. Kissed a stranger: errr .. lol

079. Drank bubbles: dont think so.

080. Lost glasses/contacts: way back then, coloured contacts.

081. Ran away from home: never did. hehe

082. Liked someone younger: no.

083. Liked someone older: yup

084. Broken someone's heart: lol yea. =(

085. Been arrested: HAHA .. me ? nahh no way. XD

087. Cried when someone died: who doesnt ?.. lol
089. Yourself: heh ?
090. Miracles: hmm, maybe ? maybe not ?

092. Heaven: heavennn?? white white place? XD

093. Santa Claus: when i was a lil girl, i did. heh
095. Magics: lol not really.
096. Angels: yupp. =)
097. Is there one person you want to be right now: uhm, lol maybe.

099. Do you believe in God: yup

100. Tag 5 people:

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