Saturday, April 5, 2008

i was too lazeee to updatee ..
heh , okay. stayed over at laura's on thursday.
stayed back in school before that for the ssp gathering thing.
came home , had addmaths tuition.
darnn , im sorry laa.. i fell asleep again.
XD. i was sooo tired.. then laura came and fetchh me after that.
sstarted with our dance..
went to sri ananda's to eatt .. i was starvinggg
then ahhhmingg came =)
all of us went back , & continued with the dance.
didnt really sleeep.. went to school on friday morning.
took the bus to prangin after that. hehh
its been awhile since we went to prangin =)
ate mcdd , i slept in mcd ! looool
then we took the cab to youth park. i pig-ed in the cab too. =\
tolddd you i was tiredd .. XD
waited for jangheng and jeremy to reach.
they cycled ! HAHAHA.
thennnnnnn , finally we went hiking.
i really dont know how i did it. seriously !
i didnt sleep.. and actually survived hiking. XD
then shungee came. what the hell.. damn funny laa.
hahhahaha .. it rained like cats & dogs. tsk
then uhm , alvin fetched us back to ahming's house.
i slepttt again. =)
ate babyy burgerrrr .. yummyy !
dad came and pick me upp .. and went homeee & SNOREEE ~

mom woke me upp so early & went for breakfast.
they dragged me along to some homeDecoration exhibition at PISA.
grr .. she kept on shooting me in the morning.
stuuuuupidd ! roaR!
then went to see furniture after that.
i slepttt in the car ! XD
lunch lunch lunchhhh -- i was starvingg.
came home & i edited the layout.
sleeeeeeeeeeeep .. then mom & i went out for dinner.
okay, i feeeeel lazeee already.
* stops *

; katherine
11.47 pm

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