Sunday, June 29, 2008

todayyy , whee
went for IC youth thingy.
i have to say , it was fun.
but a little too WET.
ahahahha , i was in group 2.
wooohhooo.. we had this group chant thing, it was funny.
xD. & we got the 2nd highest for the points.
lol , =)

came home , BATH !
thanks to the small baby pool game.
they poured in a bottle of oil !
with flour , with egg !!
oh wtbbqf. hahahha
& i died , slept till dinner time.
heee =p

* im off,

Thursday ; 26th June.o8

Old folk's home visit with school.
i pity those ahma's wei. sigh
we helped out at the medical ward.
those nurses are so mean.
i mean like , eventhough they're old people
they are still humans laaa.. dont treat them so terribly.
grr .. see also kek khi.

ahming brought peanut butter & bread again.
darn , i can still remember. we had to eat all the peanut butter.

then , went back to school. lepak lepak lepak.
makan makan makan.
i was dead tired, wanted to go homee.
but had to stay back for YE.

gahh , YE.
im pissed. dammit. that teacher is ridiculous !
i told her the other day that i wont be able to attend the Queensbay sales thing.
& guess what she said.
'' ill talk to pn kala & we'll see how okay ? "
i was like wth man , i gave u a straight forward answer & you give me these crap.
nvm lahhh , thennn... i went straight to pn kala & i said ..
" teacher , i cant go for the queensbay sales event "
so happen our dearest teacher was there.
how wonderful , she said " ohh i never talk to pn kala yet "
i got really pissed & i raised my voice.
i was like " it doesnt matter even if you talk to pn kala , i still cannot go "
lol , blardyy hell. then she was like .. okay we'll let you off those 2 days.
fine la , its good that u actually understand english
and thennn , she starts blaming it all on me
she said " what if everyone in the company are like you ? we die lah ? "
i got even more pissed off.
i was like " its not like i wanted this to happen right ? "

shitty shit ass. lol

* im off,

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

as usual , another normal day at school.
yeeming laura szelin followed me back ,
dropped szelin back on the way.
then , we went to island plaza. xD
i bought a top =D
mng sale. woohoooooo ~
ahem ahem , me & yeeming had to be lightbulbs for the day.
oh well , it was kinda fun tho.
ahh , & joel's bro is cute.

tomorrow's gon' be a fun day =)
* no peanut butter ! aahhh !

im off -
11.15 pm

Sunday, June 22, 2008

up early early.
church church church.
makan makan makan.
oh yess , i bought a new mini webcam !
& its PINK! ahahahha.
i had to clean my rascal little bro's room kay.
daarn it was hell of a mess.
anyway , i did it ! woohoo.
lol , mom cooked. didnt go out for dinner.

10.20 pm

Saturday, June 21, 2008

aloha babehssss !
ooohhkayy , i know ive not been updating lately.
ahahaha , too lazy to update. seriously.
okay , so here goes.
today was fun, we had some extra curricular day or smth
all the uniform units had to take part in something
me & my babehss took part in the treasure hunting event xD
DARN , we rock ! hahahahha. we got 1st , wooohoo!
overall , Rangers got 1st xD

then , we had seniors farewell. ahahah
pn loke was so nice, she made fooood XD
heh , reb ; laura ; chloe followed me home
went swimming. pretty fun =)
got kinda hungry, so we ordered pizza. wee
yummy eh ? xD

& we did real crazy stuff.
gahh , its mcd for dinner AGAIN.
darn it , im so sick of it.
no choice, parents out. gee

sunburn-ED ! aaahhh. lol
im off.
7.45 pm

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

i failed moral.
yes , i FAILED moral. grrr
i lost 1 freaking mark cause i didnt write :
BER-tanggungjawab ! wtf wtf wtf !
blarrdy hell. ahahaha.
oh well , lol.
im so screwed laaa. aahh
darn im lazy. got 2 folios to complete. grr
fuhhhhark. to hell with guides & pj folio. xD
okay , ive gotta stop swearing. =)
* xD

10.40 pm

im seriously dead tomorrow, pj folio.
hahahaha , did i mention how much i freakingly hate doing folios ?
heeeh , well yeah i do. ALOT.
anyway, i was gonna log off , but i saw this.
interesting much. LOL
its sweet.
dude: I love her more than the air I breath
chick: well im always here for you.
dude: I know.
chick: What's wrong???
dude: I like her so much.
chick: Talk to her.
dude: I don't know. She won't ever like me.
chick: Don't say that. You're amazing.
dude: I just want her to know how I feel.
chick: Then tell her.
dude: She won't like me.
chick: How do you know that?
dude: I can just tell.
chick: Well just tell her.
dude: What should I say?
chick: Tell her how much you like her.
dude: I tell her that daily.
chick: what do you mean?
dude: I'm always with her. I love her.
chick: I know how you feel. I have the same problem. But he'll never like me.
dude: Wait. Who do you like?
chick: Oh some boy.
dude: Oh... she won't like me either.
chick: She does.
dude: How do you know?
chick: Because, who wouldn't like you?
dude: You.
chick: You're wrong, I love you.
dude: I love you too.
chick: So are you going to talk to her?
dude: I just did.

ahahha , alritey. im out
night all.

12.39 pm

Monday, June 9, 2008

ive been bored.
i realised , shopping with parents ..
is very boring. VERY very boring.
gahh , wasted my time at One utama.
i was practically the only one walking. grr.
spoil my mood nee. ahh.
anyway , i miss raey raey <3
mwah mwah mwah !
xD .. the next time i get to see him , he'll be walking around already
eeee .. so cutee nee k.
school's back , gahh
i freakishly hate school , but thankgod my friends are there
hee =)

out -

9.45 pm

Thursday, June 5, 2008

boo yah ! okay, im surprised.
i've never tried this before. XD
butttt , i have to say.
IM IN THE CAR ! & im online XDDD
hahaahahah , aahh , dad's gonna drive
chao !

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

okie , here saya go. this survey.. err
XD i'll show you my bm skills alrite.

7 fakta tentang saya

- Nama saya Katherine Wong =)
- saya boleh laugh dari pukul 12 sehingga 7 pagi
- errr , saya hate bm banyak banyak. LOL
- saya tak tau apa to write.
- ohoh , saya suka BELI BARANG.
- saya tidak boleh stay di rumah selalu , perlu keluar jalan-jalan. jika tidak , i akan mati.
- sabrina kata , saya seorang kawan yang baik , uhhmm ... senang bored. [ LOL , wtf am i writing ]

7 perkara menakutkan saya

ok , banyak banyak jer.

.. saya perlu agree dengan twin saya , saya takut wayang hantu banyak.
.. saya takut Balloon !!!!!
.. uhmmm .. saya takut tiada lampu LOL
.. orang yang jalan tidak ada sound dan suddenly boo* saya
- saya takut tinggi xD
.. OH ya , saya amat takut cockroach , dan apa - apa insect la.
.. saya takut fail physics punya exam. tak tau apa-apa ok.

7 lagu buat masa sekarang

7 lagu saya sukaa ok ?

.. cinta macam ini ? =\ [ love like this - edens crush ]
.. errrrrrrrrr .. setiap nafas [ every breath - Gio ]
.. cara balik masuk cinta ???? [ way back into love - hugh grant ]
.. saya mau kamu [ i wanted you - ina ]
.. gambar dan kenangan ? [ photographs and memories - jason reeves ]
.. tiup saya pergi [ blow me away - breaking benjamin ]
.. tidak boleh help semasa dia =) [ helpless when she smiles - backstreetboys ]

7 perkara yang selalu saya sebut

uhmmmm ..

.. * har ? * saya banyak blur , aku tau.
.. * lol * ini satu habit saya
.. * saya mau pi shopping * i love =D
.. * hahahahah * ini satu yang saya akan mati jika tidak disebut
.. * celaka * woo , saya teraddict terhadap ini word
.. * wtf * tidak boleh control punyaaa saja saja keluar
.. * yohhhhhh *

7 perkara yang amat bernilai

.. saya punya nyawa
.. kawan kawan baik saya
.. kenangan yang ada dengan kawan-kawan saya
.. telefon saya , internet , camera , laptop -- jika semua ini pupus , saya pun pupus LOLLL
.. duit untuk saya belibeli barang yang saya mau
.. katil ( err ? bed. ) saya suka tidur
.. saya punya anting-anting punya collection xD

7 “pertama kali” dalam hidup saya

saya punya pertama kali ....

.. buat ini bodoh survey dalam bm
.. berhold tangan dengan orang yang saya suka .. 210605 (i think) LOL
.. dapat telefon , uhmm .. darjah 3
.. saya tak boleh ingat pertama kali saya lahh

7 orang bertuah (JAWAB TAG NI BALIK!)

tiada orang yang se-bored dengan saya , so tiada orang akan buat selain daripada twin aku yang tag saya. andrew chu LOL

jika u mau buat you buatt xD

11.33 pm

its late. yes i know.
gahh but i cant sleep.
i need to sue msn ! i need to !
aahhh .. msn is so EVIL.
have to use E-Buddy to go online
grrr .. gonna ki siaoo super duper soon. LOL
Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil msn is evil msn is evil msn is evil msn is evil msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil Msn is evil

* hmmmpphhhh *

today : swimming with philip & rebecca.
- saw pn Ang.

1.40 am

Sunday, June 1, 2008


its already the 1st of June 2008.
i have to agree that ,

hee , verywell.

woke up super duper late.
went to grandma's house to makan.
talk talk talk ; blah blah blah
home home home.
psp game hunting.
didnt find anything , darn.
i aint good with forum stuff. gee
still have another week of holiday.
should i say yay ? or ..
ohmygosh , its gonna end !

8.23 pm