Tuesday, August 19, 2008

i was supposed to have maths , bio & chem tuition today.
but heeeeh .. i got lazY.
also , mom said dont need to go cause i really dont have transport.
hehehehe =D
woke up around 8 & did practically nothing but staring at the comp screen.
then, yeeming came around 12.
talked talked talked. eusern came to fetch us to gurney.
ate bbq chicken. ahahaha.
& i got my Guess purse alrite. =)
thanks to my babehs. haha
walked around , saw Shushu & Jeannette.
then he fetched us back. lol
went swimming. woohoo.
alvin & howen were there at the ping pong room.
went up bathh , & walked yeeming down to the guardhouse.

speakin of the guardhouse. @&#!*^#&!%# the guard.
who the @#&*!%#@^! does he think he is.
arsehole. ah hah.

& now , waiting for mom to come home.
im starvin' ahhhhhh ~

oh oh oh , i promised to post the video of andy&his thonG.
hehehehee. .


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