Monday, August 25, 2008

is it me or is today just f*ked up ?
lol , anyway school's back.
bro didnt go to school. unfair much!.
thank god no english lesson. i was too lazy to do english oral.
no addmath tuition. so me & reb went jogging.
jogged to andy's then to laura's
went to penang swimming club, was supposed to exercise.
ended up eating apple&icecream & fries. lol
so much for losing weight. told ya dieting will never work for me' hahahah
ah yes, i want to sue that old woman !!
i really really really think the government should bann all old old old old ah ma's from driving.
veryyyyyYYyYyyYyyyyy DANGEROUS . . . . . . . .
she almost bang me okay.
she's so blur. its as if i wasnt there or smthing.
geeee .. stoopid! ( sorry la, cannot help it. its annoyin )

jogged back home with reb.
bath .. blahh blahh


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