Saturday, November 8, 2008

today, i woke up at 8 ! xD hahahah. thenn, mama dropped me off at church.

reb was there the earliest. & im second ! chun right. hahahah
karyn & chloe came next, but no one was there. Edward forgot bout breakfast. 
rofl. so we went to sunrise McD for breakfast. 
aunt flo, and all were there. ate & went back to church for meeting.
chloe bought me strawberry boxers & a piggy file ! XD thank you so very muchie darling ! 
hahahah, after the meeting. yeeming & szelin came and we went to island plaza. 
mng, roxy, lalala. -- back to gurney & i bought my bossini bag ! YAY !
walked around & watched highschool musical 3 AGAIN. 
denise camme too. =) long time never see him already. 
oki , lazy update now, talking to my darling friends.

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