Saturday, February 28, 2009

soo here goesss...

  • to USM
  • Star Edu.fare
i should put pictures of szelin here soon after i get the pictures. hahaah
went back to school around 10.30 or so, & i went for the star edu fare.
saw yvonne low there. confirmed that physics is not needed for the course i want to take.
this has been haunting me for quite awhile okay. hahaha =D
till after exams, =)

=S oh gosh. test is on monday


ah, ALOHAA! xD

Friday ; 27th feb 09

  • school
  • usm for full dress rehearsal
  • modern math tuition
  • dinner

Saturday, February 21, 2009

  • GGA walkaton
  • Yeeming's house
  • Driving Lesson
  • dinner with yeeming and her friends, collin and chucky.
  • szelin & laura came over
met zoe at the walkaton. damn, we had to walk and it was friggin HOT.
after the walkaton, followed yeeming back to her house.
waited till 2 and the driving school people came to fetch us,
i had my 2 hour lesson & yeeming did her practical, &&&&&
i passed my QTI test! teeheeeee ;D
reached yeeming's house around 5 +
ate western food at pulau tikus. yummyness. hee
and we saw a rat. LOL 
then the hilarious part starts... 
they dropped me homeeee before 9.30 cause lauraa&szelin were supposed to come over
to do her usm stuff. they just went home, & im exhausted
really exhausted. 

toodles people! ;)


Friday, February 20, 2009

one of the best day of the year =)

  • Sukan tambahan.
  • Rangers
  • Modern Maths tuition
  • GURNEY! [ with my ahhhh  ming ] 
for sports,  just as always, pksw.
i skipped running & long jump. =p

during rangers meeting, szelin, laura & i had to do szelin's modeling stuff.
thank goodness the wings were okay.
and the dress, i guess everything's alright. =)

i was so sweaty and dirty and DISGUSTING when i reached home
not to mention, i was exhausted.
so after tuition, bathed & waited for mama to fetch me 
went for dinner with yeeming, at gurney drive. xD
sean came, yeeming bought her dress, the RED one. hahah
then we walked to BED. 
met imin there, and yeeming's dad came to fetch us =D
dropped me home =)
and now, im blogging!

its the first time this year, its been real long since yeeming&i went out together.
=) well, moreeeee to come!

11th MARCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;p


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chloe abused me today alright. LOL

- in the morning.
- SKIRT FLY HIGH ! ahhhhhhhh

  • after school,  went for my driving lesson
  • add math tuition
they came late, so i didnt have to go to the driving school since i had to be back home by 5. 
so then, drove frm town to batu feringghi .... teluk bahang,  & back home.
and and and ... he said i can go take QTI on saturday ! wheeee

* imma go have my dinner

& szelin's coming over later to do her dress and stuff.

toodles people ;)


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

aloha people ! XD

today today today ...

  • the usual school day
  • choir 
  • szelin came home with me [ Dress ]
  • katherine says : IM SORRY CHLOE !  [ im way beyond serious that nothing occured to me that i was supposed to fetch you back ] " Chloe said : you shall die in school tomorrow! MWAHHAH " .... ohgosh. im screwed. what if i get abused terribly ?! hahahaha! anyway , im sorry babeh. my bad bad bad. =S
  • Malay tuition
  • Shu got her L license =)

Monday, February 16, 2009

vroom vroOoooOOoooM !! 

i went for my driving lesson today &&&&&
he asked me to drive on the road.
taught me :
  • route A [ Queensbay ]
  • route B [ around some market area ]
  • route C [ i have no idea ]
& oh shit. i dont remember the roads. lol
anddddddd I DROVE HOME ! hahahahaha.
the instructor chose the lembah permai way, then batu feringghi,
& back home. haha

im home & still alive ! WHEEE. 
oh oh , & school was OKAY. =)

im hungry...
whereeeeee's mommieeeeee!

toodles people ! =)


Saturday, February 14, 2009

to people who celebrate Valentine's Day, 

Happy Valentines Day =)

& as for me, 
haaaah, screw v'day.

had school today. yes, i know. Damn.
its a freakin saturday...
  • Public speaking
  • Friendship Day presentation
Chloe won 1st prize for upper sec public speaking.
congratulations my dear =)
see, told you my chicky & snail gave you luck! teehee.

emo songs were sang, which made everyone cry.
this would be the last Friendship day we have together in school, haha
so yes, most of us cried.

[After school] ;

went out for lunch with mom&bro.
and back home.

im darn friggin' bored.


Friday, February 13, 2009

its beeeeeen LONG, people ! 


5th feb 09' ; went for driving theory.
7th & 8th feb 09' ; church confirmation initiation camp.
10th feb 09' ; celebrated yeeming's birthday.
  • gurney
  • steamboat
12th feb 09' ; driving practical. & the first day of Learning Festival 09.
[ Happy Birthday Yeeming ! love. ]
  • engine mati-ed 2 times at the top of the hill.
  • slid down hill once.                                                               (HAHAHA)
  • [in school] busy preparing for the surprise.
  • the surprise for yeeming [footprints, cupcakes, & a photobook of pics of sec 1 to 5]
13th feb 09' ; Second day of Learning Festival 09.
  • spelling Bee
  • Drama&Singing Competition [ Szelin & Min San sang ]
  • Prize giving
  • [ After School ] went out to prangin mall for lunch for the first time this year.
  • people ; Yeeming, Joyce, Szelin, Reb, Laura
  • modern maths tuition.