Saturday, February 21, 2009

  • GGA walkaton
  • Yeeming's house
  • Driving Lesson
  • dinner with yeeming and her friends, collin and chucky.
  • szelin & laura came over
met zoe at the walkaton. damn, we had to walk and it was friggin HOT.
after the walkaton, followed yeeming back to her house.
waited till 2 and the driving school people came to fetch us,
i had my 2 hour lesson & yeeming did her practical, &&&&&
i passed my QTI test! teeheeeee ;D
reached yeeming's house around 5 +
ate western food at pulau tikus. yummyness. hee
and we saw a rat. LOL 
then the hilarious part starts... 
they dropped me homeeee before 9.30 cause lauraa&szelin were supposed to come over
to do her usm stuff. they just went home, & im exhausted
really exhausted. 

toodles people! ;)


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