Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Haircut day.

oh whee ! finally had my haircut.
i think its too short.. ahhhhh !
hmm, so yes i went to school.
i freakin hate the physics lab. =)
hahahaha. phobia alrd kay.
then err, ahh yes. where is mr Han !?
we sosososo NEED him. bio for us is totally gone case-ED !
our wonderful bio trainee teacher sucks to the core. lmao
she actually asked a girl to translate some word from chinese to english !
wth. we're so gon' die. tsk
physics teacher with her Akukurate (Accurate) ROFLmao.
and damnn i think that bio teacher of ours seriously has issues.
i shall stop here.
have loadsa homework to do.
- dinner

; katherine
8.04 pm

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

school was stupid ! aahhh
i actually bang-ed the table.
& my friggin nose bleed-ed !
my lipss did too.
lol. damn it was fuckin hilarious.
anyway, had mr boo's tuition.
couldnt really pay attention lol
cause i was like, busy worryin about my so called " BROKEN " nose.
lmao! hahahhaa.
i told my mom that i bang-ed the table,
she laughed like mad. how sad is that !
& then, went to fetch bro from tuition.
im waiting for my mcd again.
till tmrw,

8.44 pm

Monday, January 28, 2008

school school school !
cny's next week ! oohh yeahh !
$$ come! hahahha.
so yeah, had assembly this morning.
blahblah, then after school me, karyn, ruth & shanese
went to 600 cc's to eat.
and what the fork ! the bill came up to err , 70.50 ! LOL
we were like , fuck! what the hell did we do here !
hahahhaa. darnn it weih, we're all broke now. tskk
oh well. we're never goin back there for lunch on our own.
hahahhahaahha. the fried ice cream was LOVELY. real yummy.
then shanese had to go back to school early for marching. lol
so theres me, karyn & ruth. we went in some shop
the earrings were sooooOoooooo nice !!
cannot tahan okay. almost bought it
but guess what we bought in the end.
HILARIOUS-ness ! we had 10 bucks left.
sooo, we went to guardian & got a 3.48 bottle of " oxygenated " water.
LOLLLL. what the hell weih, we walked in and out & in and out
sooo many times. hahahah
then i was like, " gosh the water has better taste different ! "
& then it was sports practice.
did i mention i HATE sports practice alOT ?
ahahaha. yeah i really really do. =p
finished at 6.15 but dad came to fetch me at 6.50
grrrr .. so late.
reached home ard 7 smth & bathh
then mom fetched me & went to fetch phil from tuition.
- dinner.

9.20 pm

Sunday, January 27, 2008

morning was err ,, lol. mom woke me up for sundayclass.
as usual it was boring =x ahah.
me, chloe & zoe kept on gettin questioned. tsk
oh well, i survived for 1 1/2 hours =)
yay me. hahaha. then me,bro & mom went to gurney.
ate kim gary. and popular it was.
bought all my revision books already.
cny deco & all then went to coldstorage to get groceries for dinner
moms steak was err ..rather tooOoo-Over cooked! hahahaha
and the lemonade i made turned out kinda sucky but still
kinda drink-able ! HEHEHE.
watched tv a little.
&& im so so dead. i have 2 karangans to write & 1 rumusan.
darn it. i hate writing bm essays.
aahhhh .. and yeahhh ! I REALLY NEED A HAIRCUT.

; katherine
11.29 pm

Saturday, January 26, 2008

woke up around 8 this mornin'
picked laura around 8.30 and went to GGA to help out.
then yeeming and joyce came.
helped give out drawing papers!
hahahaha. miss Loke is our new bestfriend !
shes so funny la.
ahah, then we asked shungee to help us get mcD.
thank you ! & talked to pn ng yim san about her daughter.
i so so so hate that darn avien, or however u spell her name
ROFL. hahhaa.
talked talked talked, playplayplay
mom came and fetch me, then we went to prangin.
oh yes, ive finally got my shorts =)
then went to get groceries & got home around 7.45
godd my feet is killin me
i NEED to cut my hair LAH ! i look like some crazy person right now.
hahahaah. alrite, ill stop here.

*took pictures too heh.
(from my phone)
there are some in yeemings cam.

8.30 pm

Monday, January 21, 2008

i MISS Raey.

8.19 pm

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

school was just like any other school day.
had Mr booboo's chem,bio & phys tuition today.
ate mcd again. lol
ahh , laura sticked the pen into my mouth ! ahhaha
& gosh, i have to say. I, Katherine w TRULY hate physics.
=) hahahhaahaha.
hmm .. reached home ard 7 or so i think.
did addmaths hw, bm & blabla.
there was a whole stack. gahh.
waited for mom & bro to be back & had dinner.
continued homework & im done =)

; katherine
10.08 pm

Saturday, January 12, 2008

11th of January.
Birthday Party.
had bbq behind laura's house beach. heh
so, went to school. it was Pn. Lim Seat Ting's retirement.
we'll all miss her alot tho. shes like our second mom in school..
=( then took the bus to gurney to get the stuff for the bbq.
yeeming came ard 3 smth or so then we went to laura's house.
fu sheng came for awhile then went off.
played jetski with reb. oh god, shes scary lmao
but hell it was fun ;D
then jeremy, jangheng, shun gee came
goshh, shouldaa seen rebfilip & joyceshungee maksiat. hahaha
had no chicken wire, charcoal then jangheng went to buy em
thanks. - then we bbq-ed.
werent really full so we went to ananda's
drank the wine shungee brought & shu went high.
to shu : i told u not to drink coconut & alcohal hahahaha
she FLY across the road kay. -_-
then joyce went back to my house to wait for her mom
hanged ard at the beach till ard 12.30 or so.
fusheng & his friend samuel came.
saw charlene. hah
then oh yeah. the cake. haha
went back to laura's.
sleeeeppp ..
bubu was there also =)

ah yes, thanks ya'll.

; katherine
10.46 pm

Monday, January 7, 2008

oh its in 2 hrs time !
whoa, im gonna be like 1 year older. whee
but it kinda sucks. i have sorethroat. aahhh
went to taiwanese restaurant to eat. & im back home.
i guess im gon' watch house till i go to bed again
school tomorrow. & theres Mr. BooBoo's phys,chem&bio science tuition.
3 hours ! godd.
alritey, gonna watch house now.

; katherine
10.06 pm.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

ohhwheee! my birthday's coming.
in 5 days ! HAHA.
& today's the first day of school.
it was pretty fun tho.
no studying =p teeheeehee.
the chem lab is a really nice place to sleep tho.
its soooo windy ! hahahaha.
ah yes, i went to school without my school badge XD
im a new girl ! gaahhaha.
finished at 2.o5 & surprisinly, dad came early to fetch me !
hahahha. then i did my class timetable & printed it out.
yes, im too free. lol
im sleepy & tired
and i couldnt sleep cause they were painting the doors. tsk
i guess ill be goin to bed real early today

till tmrw,
; katherine

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

my new year's eve celebration was practically boring.
went to grandma's place for dinner & home
ahh yes, i stood at the balcony & saw fireworks =)
lol. woke up & went to queens
so many ppl -_-
then went to eat jap food. & guess what !
i saw karyn ! hehehe.
then bro went to cut hair.
jojo, dave & mich went home alrd =(
im gon' be soooo bored.
school's back ! aahh..

; katherine
7.15 - o8