Saturday, August 30, 2008

What The FUCK.
why ? .. :
then i do NOT need to depend on that ass to fetch me around.
then i can go wherever i want WHENEVER i want to.
then i do not need to listen to all her nonsense.
. . . .
. . . .

there are so many more i dont think i want to list them down.
cause im effing pissed right now.

Monday, August 25, 2008

is it me or is today just f*ked up ?
lol , anyway school's back.
bro didnt go to school. unfair much!.
thank god no english lesson. i was too lazy to do english oral.
no addmath tuition. so me & reb went jogging.
jogged to andy's then to laura's
went to penang swimming club, was supposed to exercise.
ended up eating apple&icecream & fries. lol
so much for losing weight. told ya dieting will never work for me' hahahah
ah yes, i want to sue that old woman !!
i really really really think the government should bann all old old old old ah ma's from driving.
veryyyyyYYyYyyYyyyyy DANGEROUS . . . . . . . .
she almost bang me okay.
she's so blur. its as if i wasnt there or smthing.
geeee .. stoopid! ( sorry la, cannot help it. its annoyin )

jogged back home with reb.
bath .. blahh blahh


Sunday, August 24, 2008

22nd , 23rd , 24th .. august 08 '

went to Cameron Highlands.
just realised the last time i went up there was last year.
its gonna be the 25th of august tomorrow. .
god , time flies like crazy huh.
would you wish you could go back in time?
for some reasons i do. =)
hahahah -

holidays make me FATT-er! aaahhhhhhhh..
i ate TOO MUCHH.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

...Made lunch xD

. . . minced-pork porridge
. . . broccoli
. . . fried chicken
. . . egg

swimming after lunch.

the past.


a girls night out ' xD
woke up early this morning.
hmm , yeeming & szelin came around 5.
yeeming wanted to swim but me & szelin were too darn lazy
hahahah, went down to the gym instead.
walked to laura's place after that.
dinner at ananda's =)
then we went to gurney.
coffee bean hahaha.
talked talked talked .. blah blah.
went back to laura's & watched ella enchanted.
borrowed a whole lot of dvd's frm laura.

im exhausteddd...
nighty nighty people


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

i was supposed to have maths , bio & chem tuition today.
but heeeeh .. i got lazY.
also , mom said dont need to go cause i really dont have transport.
hehehehe =D
woke up around 8 & did practically nothing but staring at the comp screen.
then, yeeming came around 12.
talked talked talked. eusern came to fetch us to gurney.
ate bbq chicken. ahahaha.
& i got my Guess purse alrite. =)
thanks to my babehs. haha
walked around , saw Shushu & Jeannette.
then he fetched us back. lol
went swimming. woohoo.
alvin & howen were there at the ping pong room.
went up bathh , & walked yeeming down to the guardhouse.

speakin of the guardhouse. @&#!*^#&!%# the guard.
who the @#&*!%#@^! does he think he is.
arsehole. ah hah.

& now , waiting for mom to come home.
im starvin' ahhhhhh ~

oh oh oh , i promised to post the video of andy&his thonG.
hehehehee. .


Sunday, August 17, 2008

sunday sunday.
as usual , church. =)
went to midlands after church for lunch.
popular book fair. . .
bought a book . heeh
. . . home
i slept for quite awhile
dinner , & watched the badminton match between chong wei & lin dan.
well , at leasT he got silver. lol
imma gon' continue watching bones.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

friday , 15th o8.

In School...
  • Pn. Wong's retirement
  • Merdeka Celebration.
hahh , finally. holidays are here.
so yeah, it was pn wong's retirement. i cant deny that she's a good principle. =)
for Real.

After School...
  • chloe's house
  • JJ's house.
  • Batu Ferringhi
we made cheese baked potatoes. =D
i stuffed a whole lot of cheese in mine.
& yes, had enough of cheese for the week. LOL
aunt pris made salmon pasta. yummy!

then , went to J's place around 5 or so.
aunt flo was busy with thhe food.
ahhh , there was TOO MUCH food.
so we gave her a little help with the cute sausage and chicken balls thing.
hahahhaa. trust me , it was real CUTE.
J was half dead due to food poisoning. yikes. haha

Jeff came. & then Andy.
yippie , eat eat eat.
i almost diedd.. so much food.
a huge bowl of birthday noodles aunt lillian made.

went to batu night market after dinner.
got back around 11. didnt even notice it was already 11.
came back , andy opened his presents.
darn. it was hilarious okay. they got andy a men thonG. xD
I HAVE THE VIDEO. will post it later. hehh
loool , bathhhed ... & they watched euro trip.
i was dead tired. slept way earlier than all of them
andy & reb laughed so hard. and woke me up for like 5 times.

woke up early and aunt flo dropped me & reb back at my place.

Saturday, 16th o8.

got home around 8. dad wanted to go for breakfast.
went to the big big giant after that.
was supposed to meet at yeeming's hse.
but i couldnt get there in time. hee
dennis my xiaomeimei came. hahaha , its been long.

reached gurney around 12.
walked walked , talk talk , buy buy , sit sit.
HAHA. i bought my new pair of slippers.
and i got green nail polish. hahahhah.

i spent alot on food. =(
but nvm lahhh. hehehh.
i had a great day. =)
love my babehs. wheeheh.

im tired out.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

back-nesS ! xD
i know i havent been up to updating my blog.

holidays are here !
woohooo , say what?!

its gon' be Pn Wong's retirement tomorrow.
its been long. she's actually a pretty good principle tho.
that , i have to admit.
im guessin' who's gon be the next.
ahahhah. lets just all hope its someone nice =D
* i doubt that. heh

not much to say now.
there'll be more tomorrow.
ill be back, for sure.

♥ katherine.